¡Hola a Todos! Yes Im still alive and enjoying my time here Down Under. It must have been three weeks since I wrote a story the last time… well guys & girls here comes another one ;)
The week after Snowy Mountains was more or less recovery week. My knees were all bruised and sore because of falling down way too many times and gym that week was such a torture. On Friday I was supposed to take it easy, have a rest and shed some tears while watching Bridget Jones’ Diary, but as you probably can guess I ended up partying with Julia at the Opera Bar (Next to the Sydney Opera House). That bar has probably the best sights and locations in the world. On the right side you have the Opera House and on the left side the sea, Harbour Bridge, Circular Quay, and the lightened skyscrapers. Quite funny was the fact that from all the bars in

Sydney I bumped into to Marko while getting a class of red from the bar. We really weren’t supposed to have a big night out, because the original plan was to save it for Saturday, but we ended up having an after party of course, and there was no return after that. The next morning, after too little sleep we decided to hit the beach with Julia and spend our day efficiently sunbathing. First we had some difficulties to find the place, cuz I have only seen the beach once and it was dark then. So to be honest I didn’t have a clue which direction we should go. After an hour we finally

asked some help from a lady and good that we did, because we had taken totally wrong road. Right on cue she offered us for a ride to Balmoral Beach were she was going with her family. How perfect was that! As you can see from the picture Balmoral Beach is gorgeous. So far my favourite beach and nice cause it’s just 20 minutes walk from my place (if you take the right road).
Saturday evening I cooked some cold smoked salmon pasta and antipasto and invited Minka and Julia for a dinner at my place. My Aussie mum was out so we had the flat for our selves, which was nice. Every one of us was really tired so we decided to stay home and skip the parties. Sunday morning was nice to wake up fresh and we spend the whole day outside walking around and visiting the markets in Rocks. Oh, and I found my new obsession… Strawberries dipped into chocolate, yummy!

The next week went by really fast at work. I was busy with organizing and sending travel journalist and travel agents to Scandinavia and Finland and organizing Scandinavian Airlines 60th anniversary luncheon with took place the week after on Friday. That weekend we decided to vanish from the city and have a nice relaxed weekend at Chris’ place in the country. The weather was dreadful the whole week, rainy and cold. A big change to the beach weather as it was the previous Saturday. Sometimes Im wondering what must Chris’ parents think, cuz me and Marko are basically living there every other weekend =) but it is such a nice place and I mean the parents are great! The weekend went by nice and easy, without doing anything special. We did visit one vineyard close by (and I discovered a good drink that kept me warm over the cold and rainy nights -> whisky port, Wendy I know you would love it). Saturday night we went out for a dinner with the family and made a quick visit to the local bar, where they had some nice live music. On Sunday morning I woke up really early because the animals were making strange noises. Chris’ mum made us some pancakes for breakfast. It was still raining and that was a good excuse to stay in and watch some DVD’s.

Again Monday, which I kinda like, because Im working with Anders (Swedish guy), so I have another person to socialize with, besides my boss. This week was also quite busy at work and on Friday we had the Scandinavian Airlines 60th anniversary luncheon that we organized in the Coast Restaurant in Darling Harbour. Me and Julia were welcoming the guest with our vintage SAS flight attendant outfits, which was pretty funny. The guest list consisted 10 of the best travel writers in Sydney from the magazines such as Vogue Entertainment and Travel, Travel Daily, Gourmet Traveller, Travel and Leisure etc. The whole event was really exclusive and the lunch was sensational. We also had great waiters, a French guy whose accent was enchanting and an Irish one who really tried to get us drunk, my god and it was only a lunch time!

Later that night we went to the State Theatre to watch Eurobeat musical with Sarah (Julia’s boss) and J. As the name says it was about Eurovision song contest, making fun of our big passion! It was pretty funny, even though Finland wasn’t surprisingly competing =) next year I bet they have Lordi there! Saturday was beautiful and we went to Balmoral Beach for the day. On our way back I was desperately hunting for high heels for the coming night, which I couldn’t find :( That night was going to be Joanna’s birthday party. Joanna is a German who used

to work for Finnesse Communications for 3 weeks as an intern as well, but then she got enough and quit… Smart girl. We started in Manly at her place where we had some punch. Joanna and her Australian boyfriend have a quite nice place in 9th floor with seaside views. Marko was already there, because there was an accident on my way there and it took ages with the bus. Later we had a dinner in the city (in Rocks) in a place called Pony Lounge and from there took a taxi to Oxford Street to one club. Oxford Street is know as a gay street and it is full of nice clubs/pubs/restaurants and sex shops ;) I met up also with my Aussie mum’s nephew, Christian. From Ruby Rabbit (the place in Oxford Street) I forced Marko to join me and Julia to Cargo Bar where Chris was celebrating one of his friends’ b-day… My god this whole story sounds like I wouldn’t have done anything else than party!!! SO NOT TRUE.
Yesterday I was having relaxing day though. Me and Marko went for a walk and had an afternoon coffee close to my place. There are heaps of nice parks and areas close to my home to have a Sunday picnic or just to chill. In the evening Chris took me out for a dinner in Manly and we had some bellissimo Italian food and ice cream of course ;)
So there you go. Three weeks in a nutshell. Next story will come sooner I promise, about my birthday (1 week) can’t believe that Im turning 22 already! Time flies! Oh, and in 13 days we are flying to Cairns, The Great Barrier Reef here I come… Better watch out for stingrays and sharks, jaikssss! One more thing I forgot to mention. A week ago Australia lost probably the most famous Aussie man... Steve Irwin, the Crocodile Man. Rest in Peace!