Wow it’s hot! Today the temperature rose up to 38 degrees and tomorrow is meant to be even warmer… Well I should not be complaining :) (picture: I spotted a butterfly on Saturday in our garden).
Yesterday our company, Finnesse team, organized/hosted an exclusive dinner for an Italian singer, Patrizio Buanne together with Universal Music and CIT Holidays. I wasn’t even supposed to attend the event, but when Satu asked me to join (one hour before departing from the office) I thought to give it a go. First, I had to rush home with a taxi, find something suitable to wear from the closet, get my hair and face done and be back in the office in less than an hour… Believed or not, but I managed. And who said my time management could be improved??
The dinner was held in Paddington, an Italian Gourmet restaurant called Lucio’s. The guest list consisted the editors from the top travel and lifestyle publications (such as Luxury Travel, Gourmet Traveller, New Idea, ABC Radio, The Sydney Morning Herald, The Sunday Telegraph etc…) and of course the star itself; Patrizio. The night seemed to be a total disaster as we arrived and realised that the audiovisual man was missing and the function was supposed to start in 40 minutes. The guests started to arrive and still no projector or sreen. The first 2 apetizers were served and Patrizio was getting ready to blow the roof with his beautiful voice, but luckily in that same moment the man came and set the audio. Eventually everything ended up going nice and smoothly and the night was a big success. Patrizio was happy, as well as the media, and the food (5 course meal) was sensational. Btw. Patrizio is heading to Finland some where in December so keep your eyes & ears open ;)
It's a bit strange to be here in the middle of Christmas hassle when it feels more over like summer. All the shops are decorated with sparkling Christmas decorations and people are getting all fussy with the presents. Last Saturday while sunbathing in our garden there was a plane in the sky and left a note (in the picture). 26 Days to go and I will finally see my family! JEEEEIIIIIIII! Kisses and hugs from down under.
Hejsan alla! Another weekend is almost over and new week at work getting closer. The summer finally arrived here in Sydney after few weeks of cold and rainy weather. The temperature has been above 28c these past days and finally I get to go to the beach =) me very happy!
But let’s go back what has been happening in my life lately… Last Saturday my boss asked me to go to Australian Travel Writers annual gala dinner together with my college Anders. I was thrilled since the occasion was held in Shangri-La hotel (which is one of the best 5 star hotels in Sydney) and that meant that I had to find something suitable to wear :) I allowed me to buy myself a new cocktail dress, as a celebration because I sorted out an 800$ bill which was the consequence of the over usage of my Internet. Way too long and boring story to tell, but anyways the outcome was that I didn’t have to pay a single cent!
The ASTW-gala was nice experience and even though I felt a bit strange at first to mingle with the Australia’s top travel writers who were around double of my age the evening was great fun. Later on I hopped on a taxi and joined Chris’ brother 40th birthday party. The evening continued to be even bigger celebration because Shane (the b-day boy) proposed his girlfriend! The week at work was quite busy because Satu was going for a holiday for a week on Thursday and everything had to be organised before that. On Tuesday the entire Australia was celebrating the Melbourne cup, which is the biggest horse race in the country. Even though the race takes place in Melbourne, the whole country is watching. People stop working at lunch time and it is common to go for a fancy lunch with the whole office all dressed up (girls wearing feathers or a hat) drinking champagne and watch the races. My boss also took us all for lunch that day and later on we had a dinner party at my place when my Aussie mum invited some people over.
We also had our new intern starting on this week, an Australian girl called Claire. She is my age studying communications. Seems to be a really nice girl and I am so happy, because the previous girl was a big disappointment. On Friday I had to go to Sydney Uni to listen some presentations, because two girls who did a research for our company were performing. It was pretty funny, because the teachers introduced me to the other students as a special guest; Aino Collan, consultant of Finnesse Communications (I was laughing myself… if they only knew that Im just an undergraduate intern, hehehe). Anyway it was a good experience, and gave me some insight for my own final thesis and presentation.
On my way back to the office by accident I bump into 2 Finnish girls and as I heard them speaking Finnish I had to talk with them. The girls had been pack packing the past 2 months around Australia and going home this Sunday. I asked if they would want to join me and Marko for a dinner that night and later on we had some Thai food in China Town and went for couple of drinks in Orient.
Finally I can tell you about this Saturday! In the morning I went to the Balmoral beach as it was such a great weather. And no Chris I didn’t get burned ;) Oke, and now the highlight of my story and one of my top 3 experiences! U2 CONCERT!!! Yes, my lovely friend Chris took us to the concert and the experience was indescribable. I just kept on telling Marko; Can you believe that we are in Sydney, watching U2 with 100 000 other people?! What can I say… I am still speechless even though it was around 24 hours ago when Bono filled the stadium with his amazing voice (my skin is still in Goosebumps)!
Oh, yes… With or without you babe! I love Australia! Btw, my lovely Dutch family I want to thank you for the card you sent me. It made me so happy when I saw it the other day lying in front of my door. I feel better now and true, not long since my family arrives for the Christmas, jeiiiii! And to my little brother HAPPY HAPPY birthday! 19 years already, congratulations and I miss you and can’t wait you to come over :)