Picture; from left--Carolin,Jonna,me,Joanna,Chris
(Boat party 24Nov)
Well the biggest work related thing for me was the
On Monday it was the day I have been scared of the past month –time for my presentation. I was the second speaker after Finnair presentation. I have never even imagined that I could enjoy on the stage while having presentation, but after the first 2 slides I forgot my nervousness and absolutely loved it there. The best part was to make the audience to laugh and watch my boss impressions while I was up there. My boss was really pleased and even the organizer of the seminar came to thank me. Definitely the highlight of these past 6 months that I have now worked for Finnesse. Now Im officially promoted to be the presenter of The Finnish Tourist Board
So that’s about work… Otherwise things are pretty much same here. Have been in movies couple of times. Went to see Borat ;) I also went to the opera house to on guitar concert with my boss. Yes, and of course been partying. Last night was massive. Went out for one of my Swedish friend’s b-day first in Bondi and later to Hugo’s in X. This morning had the worst headache for months. Felt like been driven over by a gigantic truck. But I still managed to go to the beach with Julia to work on my tan (Im still milk).
Today is exactly 1 week when I will see my family. It is going to be SOOOOO GREAT! Today I was thinking that –my god I’ve been here already almost 6 months… Time really flies! And can’t believe that it’s only 2 weeks for the Christmas eve! Really doesn’t feel like Christmas here, maybe because it’s summer here,,, well well I don’t mind the heat ;) Kisses to everybody and happy birthday to Mari ‘Major’ love you lots!