Heyyyyy…long time no news!
Well my days here in Sydney are almost done and the departure date is becoming closer every minute. Today I have one more week work left and then my days in Finnesse are over forever, jeaaaah!

So what has been going on lately… mmm, well have been trying to see my friends here as much as I could. Last Friday we had a family dinner at my place and finally I got to meet Bret Lee (the famous Australian cricket player) and his wife Liz (the niece of my Aussie mum) who were great fun. Their baby, Preston couldn’t make it unfortunately. Talking about babies. I have been babysitting few time an 8 months old boy called Finn, and even tho he is such adorable sweetheart, he is a handful :) going to take few more years before I even consider to plan my own. (picture: Minka and me; girls night out)

Last Saturday we had ‘girls night out’. Minka, Jo, Piritta and I headed to the city to have a big one and went to Hugos and Dragon Fly in the X. Fun night, except drank a bit too much and the next day wasn’t feeling like a champion. (picture: Piritta & Jo)
This Friday Im going to have my farewell party in one Spanish restaurant for my friends. Also Petteri is finally arriving from Thailand. For those who are not following… Petteri is a Finnish guy I met here in Sydney in January and he is now coming back to

travel with me for the next 3 months. One month in Australia, in East Coast and Northern Territory and 2 months in Asia (Singapore, Bali, Vietnam, Cambodia, Laos and Thailand. Yep, going to be my dream holiday adventure! (Picture: Karoliina, Maha, me, Minksu, Pirre)
But will keep on writing this blog, so you can follow our trip :)
Btw. Im flying back to Helsinki 13th of August. So see you then!
Kisses and hugs! Oh, and remember to cheer for Finland in

Eurovision song contest! We are having a big Finnish crowd here in Sydney to watch the contest! Go Hanna Go! Also Happy happy birthday to Katri aka MAMA and to Pinja! Luv you lots!
Picture above: AFL; Sydney Swans

Picture above: Baby opossum in our terrace