Today it is my 1 month anniversary here in Sydney. Celebration =) In the other hand time has gone so quickly here and so many thinks have happened already, but then again it feels so much longer than 4 weeks when I left Amsterdam. At the moment I am feeling a bit sad because nobody is online (sleeping away their hangovers probably). God I miss you all so much!!!
The pass week has been really good for me. Everything worked out in my work and I feel more confident now what ever I am doing there. This week I was busy with organising media trips, writing itinerarys and reports (Media coverage reports) to our clients, which are done quarterly. Basically my task is to analyse the gathered data and inform our clients how the perception of the public has changed within the period and to research what is the share of the media. It is pretty interesting and days flew by so quickly. I am also happy because now I getting much better along with my boss. Oh yes, and we got a new employee joining us every Monday, Swedish guy called Anders. He is a freelancer journalist. So that makes us the total of 4!!! Besides Me, Satu (my boss) and Anders we have a bookkeeper coming every Tuesday called Marianne.

This weekend was a blast! Finally I tuned on my party mode (took one month, tho). On Friday after work I skipped gym and yoga and we headed for a drink with my boss to the bar next to the office. Most of the offices have tradition to get a drink or few after work, especially on Thursdays (which is the party day of the week) and on Fridays. It was nice to chat with Satu about some normal issues and THANK god in Finnish! Our corporate language is English and English only, which first felt a bit weird, because we are both Finns, for god sake! After she dropped me home and a quick dinner I headed to the city to see Marko. We were supposed to go to have few, but like you probably all can guess, we had a bit more ;) We found this great Irish pub in the

Rocks with live music and the singer was amazing (meaning the voice ;) of course and he melted my heart… (Don’t you worry Kelvin, you are still the ONE! heheh! After many many many drinks we met few Australian guys while I was loosing all my money to the gambling machine. They were heading to the Cross (Kings Cross, also known as the X) and asked us to come with them. The X is full of bars, pubs, clubs, drugs and prostitutes and of course we joined them. Chris (the obvious leader of the group) took us from the back door of the club, called The Empire in and my party life in Sydney was officially opened, HURRAY!
The night was fun, long and very expensive for some people. In some point we lost Marko and I was alone with my new Aussie friends. Only the next evening I was able to reach him. That night he lost his phone (a new Nokia, worth of 500€) and spent 300AUD! When I woke up on Saturday morning I was hammered, but I forced myself to wash the laundry and do the groceries with Julianne, as we do every Saturday. After, I decided to make a quick visit to the nearest mall, because the weather was bad the whole weekend. Mum I didn’t buy anything unnecessary ;)

Saturday evening started really relaxed. We watched a movie with Jules and I made some mashed potations and sour cream salmon, yummy! It felt like at home! I really wasn’t supposed to go out that night, but well... I ended up partying big time again. Chris took us to one restaurant called the Libertine, which seemed to be full of beautiful people, pretty girls and rich guys. Girls, that is the place I am taking you all when you come over ;) After we found ourselves in the Empire (again) holding a whiskey cola in my hand. Oh, and the best ending to my night was, when I woke up in a night bus somewhere in Manly (fell asleep and missed my stop). I had to take a taxi, which cost me 25 bucks, God damned! So that’s about my party carrier.
Again in the morning I felt hammered, but I had to recover quickly, because my boss had invited me for a lunch 12:00 at her place. The lunch was lovely, pumpkin soup, self made bread, chicken salad, wine and for desert coffee and cinnamon rolls, that she made herself…yummy, yummy! The rest of the day I watched some more DVD’s with Jules and finally relaxed. Great weekend indeed!
1 comment:
Dear Aino,
Luckely that you get more used to your work now. What a great stories and what a lovely pictures. Australia must be a lovely country. I am really very glad that you met some people who likes to party and to drink with you.
Well, it is tropical in Holland, every day the temperature is more > 25 degrees. Great is itn't. Dennis and Saskia left for their holiday in Tenerife yesterday. So it is very quiet in our house.
Still 6 weeks to go and than it is our turn to go for holiday. Indonesia here we come. Did you read about the tsunami on Java? Terrible is itn't? Luckely it is not the part of Java we are going to. When we are in Indonesia, we are close to Australia. If we should have the time and the money, we would come to you. But unfortunately, you cann't have everything in life.
Work at Sanoma Men's Magazines is very busy at the moment. We are working on some new projects. So that's good.
It takes a lot of time before Wendy is starting with her weblog, don' t you think. So Wendy, hurry up, we would like to read your stories as well!!!
We are missing you both a lot. But time flies, so 11 months to go and you are back. And you know, Willie and I are coming to visit you in Finland next year.
Dear Aino, all the succes with your work and a lot of fun when your are not working. Don't drink to much!!!!
Big hugs from your dutch family.
Dikke kus.
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