Its Monday again, a whole week behind and again gained some awesome experiences. The first week of august started with a feedback session with my boss. The start was quite intimidating, but after a heavy discussion we reached the common tone and at least I was satisfied with the outcome. Well we will see how it goes, me and my big mouth again hehe. Days from Monday to Friday were relaxed and my days went pretty much like work, gym and watching telly with Jules.

On Friday I met Marko in the city after spending some time with my new heat rolls (what was the reason I was few hours late from my schedule) and we headed to Kings Cross where one of his colleague, Alex hosted a dinner party. The evening was lovely and I met some Spanish, Colombian, Mexican and Austrian people, it was almost as international as in Kiezel ;) Alex (Mexican guy) had prepared some delicious tortillas with beef or chicken, avocado salad, warm breads and some special Mexican desert (can’t
remember what was it called tho)

and we washed the dish down from our throats with what else than tequila.
From there we took a taxi ended up in George Street a restaurant/bar/club called Establishment were Chris was already waiting for us for quite a while. The funniest thing was when we entered with Marko. I went first and the bouncers were just welcoming me in, but from our 26 years old mate they asked ID’s heheh. The place was quite different compared to our local place in X, full of men with suits, lot of

gays, pretty people and wannabees, but it was nice for a change. After few hours we decided that it was time to move on and went to the next nightclub which happened to be the Hilton’s. The decoration was absolutely beautiful, but unfortunately people were missing, so it was pretty much like one drink and out. The next stop was in our faithful friend; The Empire and we met there also the people we were earlier dining with. In some point me and Chris took off and ended up in one more bar… something with monkeys, heheh. So it was quite a big night indeed.

The next morning I had scheduled to have a facial at 11am. I really needed it after Friday night. By accident I bumped into Marko who was on his way homefrom god knows where so we had a quick breakfast. At lunch time Chris picked us up and it was time to leave Sydney. This time we direct to North and the destination was called Huntervalley. It is famous for its huge wine regions and surprisingly we decided to stay over a night in one called

We stayed in this sensational newly constructed accommodation
with big terrace, barbi, beautiful living room with fireplace, two
big bedrooms with toilets and a case full of red wine ;) After settling down we headed to wine tasting to the main building,
where we started the evening with some red. My favourite was Shiraz yummy. From red it was good to try some rose and finally some white, what a mix indeed. The founder of the Adina vineyard was really helpful and told

us all kinds of information about vines and olives. He used to work for IBM for decades, but after retiring from the corporate life decided to move and start up a vineyard, in other words he is living his dream. Could be my
future as well after 40 years ;)
After getting a bit taste of Adina wines we decided to continue
some tasting in our own lovely accommodation. Every one of us were quite tired from the night before so we enjoyed the evening just sitting in front of the fireplace

and playing scrable and guess who won =) I was superior and poor guys didn’t have a change (well it was their first time to play and I explained the rules, but hey… I won)! Later on we went to have some Tapas in the restaurant across the street, but as usual I ate way too much and even we had planned to check out the local nightlife I was the first to give up and went to see the sandman already at 10pm.
Sunday morning we all woke up early and fresh and I took a quick walk to the vineyard. There

was not much to see tho, because both the wine and olive season were over but the weather was great, sunny and +21. In the mean while the guys were already packing the car and we hit the road again after saying goodbye the vineyard staff and buying some “vino” togo. The next stop was some where middle of no where. One of Chris’ friends, Pete, was competing in W.E Rock. Yep, donno really how would I explain this extreme sport, but maybe the pictures tell more =) Never seen anything like that, “cage cars” trying to climb up on the cliff but most of the times they were just rolling down on their

roofs, but luckily nobody got hurt.
The journey back home was shocking. On our way I saw my first time wild kangaroos, at least dozen, except they all were dead. Chris told me that during the nights they like to jump towards the light and BANG (u know the rest)! Besides kangaroos I saw 2
dead wombats and one opossum =( Before heading home we made a quick visit in Avoca beach, which is popular holiday spot for the wealthy people. Even Nicole Kidman used to have a flat there. Beautiful. It is so nice that the days are getting longer every day and in about a month time the summer is here!!! jeiiiih!
How are u doing in Europe? Missing me hopefully ;) well I miss u and I would love that all of you would experience some Aussie style of living. I LOVE IT and so would u! Oh, Happy Birthday to Wendy, my lovely Dutch sis, to Däni and Martina! BIG wet kiss from Down Under!
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