First part of the Family holiday was completed. Two more to come. From Surfers we flew back to Sydney on Friday late morning. Everybody felt a bit sad on our way to the airport especially when the weather turned that day to be perfect. My dad was the most quiet one in the taxi, looking outside watching the beautiful sandy beaches and the sparkling water that could be seen everywhere. When I asked what was he thinking he answered that he would love to have a small place by the sea, maybe a tiny boat to get around and that would be enough to wish for. I replied; Dad lets do it :)

The flight took an hour and before we noticed we were back in my home town, Sydney. This time, for the next 3 nights my parents were staying in a hotel in Rushcutters (which is 5mins with a taxi or bus from the city). That day we spent by watching all the videos we had recorded so far (hours already) later that night we went to have a dinner in nice Italian restaurant in Rocks.
The next morning we got up early and hit the Christmas sales. We had to buy a new suitcase for all the shopping we did and the biggest shopper this time surprisingly was my dad!!! Im so proud of you. You will look great in the golf course :)

Sunday came so quickly and it meant that the New Year’s Eve celebration would take place that night. That night there would be 4 millions Australian dollars worth of fireworks exploding in the sky (tax money). If you haven’t booked accommodation to stay in Sydney it was impossible to get one, because Sydney is THE PLACE TO BE during the NYE! Marko also came to Sydney and decided to follow the other pack packers next to the Harbour Bridge and secure his spot already starting at 9am. He stayed there that day 16 hours in total and even the fireworks were indescribable he told me that he would never do that again. Especially when travelling the day before 12 hours in a bus from Byron Bay to Sydney.

Earlier that day we went to the Taronga Zoo with my family with the tickets my Aussie mum gave us as for Christmas present. The zoo was located only 15mins by bus from my place on the top of the hill, in the spot you could see the whole city and harbour bridge. Everybody agreed that it was the most beautiful zoo we have ever visited.
Spending few hours while watching the animals and walking around, it was enough activities for that day. We took the ferry

back to the city, my family to the hotel and I went home to get ready for the celebration. Julian (my Aussie mum) had invited us all to have a dinner and watch the fireworks from our place. There wouldn’t be better spot to watch them in whole Sydney (expect from the balcony of the party I was invited and went later that night). Dinner was beautiful and fireworks spectacular. We had a great fun together and stayed up drinking sparkling Shiraz (my new fav drink) till 2am. After 2am my family decided to get back to the hotel, because we would be flying the next day at 1pm to Adelaide (to start the 3rd part off our holiday, called ‘the road trip’). I decided to continue the night and go to check out the party I was invited in Kirribilly.

As I arrived there after walking an hour (cuz it was faster than wait on a taxi) people were already starting to make their way back home. The party was held by Piers, Tim and Matt and the dress code was simply: white – tennis. I was the only one who showed up wearing simply BLACK ;) After partying some more with Julia I made my way back home soaking wet collapsing in my bed way too late (or should I say early) without setting my alarm clock on … big trouble!!! (because I thought my phone got broken, but the next day discovered that only my battery was dead)... Yeah, Yeah I know what you all are thinking: BLOND! Hold you breath! To be continued…
1 comment:
Dear Aino,
Fantastic that you have had a great time with your family there in down under. We even have not read your third part!! I am very curious if you have had real bi trouble. Did you miss your plane? Well, we will read it.
We have had a great christmas time. It was so good that Wendy was at homa as well. We celebrated new year's eve with Wim and Anjo (our friends with whom we were om holiday) and Ria. We had a great dinner (Wil cooked indonesian food mmmmmm).
Wil and I are preparing our holiday to Finland. I am looking forward to meet your parents and brother. We have the intention to leave Holland in the weekend of August 19th (by car). Are you back in Finland then? Well, if you have some suggestions regarding visiting cities of what ever, please let me know.
About 2 weeks I am going to London again. Yeh, great. Some days alone with my daughter. Great is itn't?
Dear Aino, speak you soon via msn (I hope). Enjoy your stay. Time flies as you know. Big hugs, dikke kus van Ankie.
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