O-M-G world is so small. Last week I got an email from my mum’s colleagues son, Antto that he is coming to study in Sydney for 5 months. Well as I met him the first time yesterday, I was wondering that why he looks so familiar. After a while it occurred to me that we have met and partied the New Year’s Eve together 2 years ago in Amsterdam. How bizarre is that :)
(picture: Australia Day picnic)
The last few weekends I have been
busy being a tourist guide. Last weekend I got another email from an Austrian guy Tom, who I met in Vienna 2 years ago as well and he had also end up in Sydney and staying here for 2 months doing his internship in a hospital. So many people end up here… Anyone else arriving shortly? (picture: from left ?Finnish guy, Aleksi, me)
Then there was the Australia Day. Have been such a good girl the whole January and haven’t been partying, but as it was long weekend and some people from
Finland were staying in Sydney. We ended up partying 3 nights row. For Australia Day me and Julia organized a picnic in Cremorne point, and spent the day chilling on the blanket eating and drinking. Later that evening we all went out again, where else than to our ultimate favourite club; Cargo Bar in Darling Harbour. (picture: Petteri and me)
Last Sunday my neighbour, Sean had bday and he oraginzed a typical Aussie BBQ. Ver yummy seafood and was nice to spent the da

y outside as the weather couldn't be better.
Work is quite busy at the moment and I have already started counting the days I have left in Finnesse. Now precisely 60 working days :) So excited already to go travelling for 3 months!!!
(picture: Sean's bday BBQ) Next week will be something different tho. On Tuesday Im going to my first business trip to Melbourne, ALONE! My boss is sending me to have a presentation
in a seminar for travel agents and represent the Finnish Tourist Board. I am so excited about it! Will look great on my resume ;) On Friday we are going to Hobart for a long weekend with Julia, so lots of travelling and sitting in the plane for me next week! (picture: Sean, Roland, bday cake)
What’s happening in Europe? I heard it is pretty cold down there? Here the sun is shining and keeping me warm ;) Sorry don’t want to be mean! Love and miss you all heaps!
Aino! It looks like your life in Australia goes pretty smooth. Especially in these days of nice warm summer. Here in the northern part of the equator we're freezing our asses off!
Diego Jimenez
P.S: cool pics!
Hi Aino,
It's great to see all the pictures and to see your having fun.
Last week I had a party. And saturdag Dennis and I are going out to have a dinner with Ankie and Willie. We're going to Que Pasa. It's a restaurant with tapas food.
I hope the weather is better in Sydney than the Netherlands.
Kiss from Den & Sas
You write very well.
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