Two weeks have passed and we have made our way 2000 kilometres north from Sydney. The first stopover for us was in place called Noosa (Australia’s Riviera) in Sunshine Coast. (picture; sunset in Noosa) Four days went pretty relaxed on the beach, walking around the National park, looking amazing houses (not bad place to have “a little” holiday cottage) and getting used to the fact that I don't have to work no longer.
From Noosa we took a bus ride to Hervey Bay (2,5hours north). We stayed in the only hostel in town that was supposed to have a wireless internet, but pretty soon we discovered that there was none. So no games for Petteri. The next day we had to wake up very early as we booked a 3 day tour among 10 others to Frazer Island. We got lucky as our group turned out to be great fun; couple from Amsterdam (I was super happy as I could impress them with my Dutch vocabulary), 2 Japanese, 2 British girls, 2 boys from Switzerland and a Canadian girl. As we signed for our tour in Beaches (hostel) we were camping in a real camping site and had BBQ facilities and warm showers which felt divine after all the sand and sunshine during the day. (picture: Petteri in Sahara)
Fraser Island (World Heritage protected) is the biggest sand island in the world and it has more sand than in Sahara I was told. The island is famous for its long white beaches, sandy cliffs and over 100 freshwater lakes. We had our own jeep, heaps of food (as I did the shopping with Fabio and exceeded our budget with 90$) and of course booze :)
The ride was pretty bumpy and as we cruised through the rainforest it really felt that we are in a real safari. The first day we went to Lake Wabby and chilled out for a moment. We also cruised along the endless beach and saw the famous ship wreck. Later that night we got together to the camping site and after setting up the tents had a fantastic BBQ meal and played drinking games. Our group was by far the loudest party group and the next day 'little men' were still hammering our heads (you know who Im talking about ;)) Oh and I saw a shooting star the first time of my life! (Picture: jeep ride)
The next day we woke up early and packed our Jeep again and it was time to explore the north side of the Island. The first stop was in Indian Head, a cliff where you can spot sharks, turtles and other sea creatures... Unfortunately we only saw one tiny turtle from the distance. We also spend couple of hours in Champagne pools, which is a good spot to dip yourself in the sea water after sunbathing, as its too dangerous to swim in the ocean because of the currents, sharks and crocks. (Picture: our group in Lake McKenzie)
We also saw a dingo, which Petteri was so eagerly looking forward to. Dingoes are a bit of a trouble in the island and they have even been attacking humans. But they do look cute.
3rd day we got a bit of rain as we visited the final couple of lakes before heading back to Hervey Bay. Lake McKenzie which is told to be the most beautiful lake in the island was also my favourite. I really recommend to do the Fraser tour independently with a group (assuming that the group is as great as ours). The given suggested itinerary is great and when travelling with only small number of people you can do the sightseeing with a more relaxed pace. Really a fantastic trip and we made new friends :) (Picture: Champagne Pools)
When coming back to Hervey Bay we stayed at the Beaches one more night, had a final last dinner together with our group and partied a bit in the bar which was totally empty, except some hilly billy locals. During that night we both were woken up by the wild moaning coming outside right under our window. Really couldn't believe my ears and eyes when saw a couple having sex without sparing any noise! heheh pretty funny! The next morning we had again an early morning as we got a ride to Airlie Beach (11hours north from Hervey) with the Swiss boys (Fabio and Manuel) who also were in our Fraser team. We also stopped in Bundaberg, which is famous for its rum. Unfortunately we missed the tour in the factory, but after Fabio used his Italian charm we got to do still the tasting part ;) Really fell in love with the dark coffee/chocolate flavoured rum that you can only get from the factory, damned! The road trip went safely and we got ourselves to Whitsundays at 10pm. (Picture: drinking games at the camping site)
That night we all stayed in a same room and had a few drinks of Bundaberg Rum and played card games. (Picture: Bundabeg Rum factory, from left; Fabio, Manuel, me and Petteri)That night we all slept like babies as we were still all tired from Fraser and the drive. The next morning it was time to say bye bye to Manuel and Fabio as they departed for sailing. Me and Petteri stayed one more night in Airlie Beach relaxing and watching the girls getting wet in wet t-shirt contest =)
On Wednesday we also booked a sailing trip for 2 nights and 3 days with Pegasus. (Picture: Pegasus in sunset) Whitsundays is famous sailing and diving spot. There are in total 74 island located close together in Whisundays and surrounded by one of the world’s seven natural wonders, the Great Barrier Reef. I was a bit worried that I would get sea sick so I was popping the seasickness pills all day long, but it really helped and I was feeling brilliant the whole trip. This time our group consisted again of 12 young people, ready to dive, snorkel, sail and party, which was great as usually carries 24 people. Our boat Pegasus, departed at 4pm and the sunset on-board was breathtaking. The next day we sailed to the famous Whitsunday Island and explored the beautiful Whitehaven beach. After lunch we got to do our first diving and I really have to say that there is not many other as impressive sights as when diving in the Great Barrier Reef. Petteri also dived the first time and really liked it. (Picture: getting ready for diving)
Later that evening I did my first ever night dive, which was sooooo scary, but also exciting. It is a strange feeling when you are 10m deep in the ocean, breathing from a air tank, in dark and totally depended of the torch you are holding. The freakiest thing is that you never know what is coming behind or after the next corner. My instructor told me that there has been occasionally sharks seen in the area, but I took the risk as I wanted to experience the world's top 5 diving site; Blue Pearl Bay. And hey I am still alive :) (Picture: Sunset onboard Pegasus)
That night we also got to join to a surprise Toga party held in a boat called Romance, which was also staying the night in the same bay. Even though the party ran late, we still had to wake up fresh and early for our final diving before sailing back to the harbour. (Picture: guess who?) Again, amazing trip and already now when looking the pictures it feels like the whole thing was a dream...
Now we are back in Airlie Beach and hitting the road again heading north later today or tomorrow morning. Last night we went again to see girls in wet t-shirts, tonight there would be jelly wrestling... but really feel ready to move on. So bye bye Airlie! (Picture: On the way to diving in the Great Barrier Reef)
Picture above: Whitehaven Beach in Whitsundays Picture below: Lunch break by the Airlie lagoon, Petsku with 'Uuno Turhapuro' sunnies
Picture above: Sailing to the sunset Picture belove: Petteri, Aino & Misha in Farser jeep
Picture above: Petteri's pyramide by the Lake McKenzie in Fraser Island Picture belove: Lookout from the Indian Head (Fraser Island)
Picture above: Wabby Lake in Fraser Island
1 comment:
Ainuuuu. Pikku Ipanaa. Sydney is not the same without you darl !!! I'm so excited that your trip has had such a fab beginning. You are definitely having a once in a life time experience, by exploring all those wonderful places. And there is still so much more to come, can't wait to hear more from you guys. Enjoy!!! Iku on muru, lov juu lots. Pusi Minkuuuu, ipanapapana
1 comment:
Ainuuuu. Pikku Ipanaa.
Sydney is not the same without you darl !!! I'm so excited that your trip has had such a fab beginning. You are definitely having a once in a life time experience, by exploring all those wonderful places. And there is still so much more to come, can't wait to hear more from you guys.
Iku on muru, lov juu lots.
Minkuuuu, ipanapapana
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