Survived outback, didn’t get killed by suspicious aboriginals or kangaroos and made our way to Darwin. (Picture: me, Maria & Petsku) As we left 3pm from Cairns we decided already that it was better for us to stay on the coast instead heading to the outback, therefore we drove again to north; to Cape Tribulation, which is famous rainforest national park. On our way we passed by Port Douglas, where we had holiday with Julia, Chris and Marko in October… Brought some good memories :) We also

We stayed that night in Cape Tribulation, a place called JP’s. I was shocked to hear that they don’t have TVs in any place there (to save the electricity). The next day it was my turn to start driving and I have to brag that Im getting quite pro on left side driving :)
We checked out some nice beaches and lookouts on our way, as we

That night we also had to sleep outside, as we almost ran out of gas and therefore had to stay in some caravan site we found in the

The next day we continued driving and getting deeper into the outback. Dry yellow fields, gray partly burned trees and the road

(Picture: Hot Springs in Northern Territory; Maria, David & Petsku)
Finally we arrived to Darwin after 5 days spending in the car. It felt good to be in a proper sized city and next to the internet. The weather in Darwin was just perfect, +30 and sunny every day. Unfortunately you aren’t allowed to swim in the ocean because of the jelly fishes and crocodiles, but at least we had a spa in our hostel. One day we were about to see the place where “God would live, if

19th of June 2007 it was time to say bye bye to Australia and start our adventure number 2; Asia. Leaving felt surreal and still can’t really comprehend it. Guess it hits me when Im back in

Above: Crocodile Farm in Darwin
Below: The familiar sight for 5 days

Above: Cape Tribulation rain forest
Below: Landscapes while driving (Queensland)

Above: Landscapes while driving (Queensland)
Below: Cursed gravel road (286km=6hours)

Above: Landscapes while driving (Northern Territory)
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