First working week behind and actually I have to say that I really like it. My work I mean. On Friday I had my first real business meeting in the head office of Finnair, Sydney. Finnesse was representing The Finnish Tourist Board and our task was to sell Finland as a tourist destination for Australian travelling wholesalers together with Finnair. There were 11 representatives from different travel agencies participating the meeting and everything went absolutely great. The sales manager of Finnair, Sydney was introducing the new options to travel from Australia to exotic Finland and giving the latest information concerning the flights. Our task was to make Finland look as attractive place as possible to visit and convince the wholesaler to take Finland as a part of their selling product. I was responsible for preparing the power point and making all the tricky graphs ;) Thank God I knew how to do it!
After work I went to check out two apartments which were located in North Sydney. In the first apartment lived a couple, a German guy and an Asian girl. The apartment wasn’t that great, but the guy was extremely friendly. He even came to pick me up from his car and after took me all the way to Manly where the other apartment was located. Oh, and he showed we the Balmore beach… well it was really dark, so I hardly saw anything, but still it was nice thing to do! The apartment in Manly was horrible. It was like a house for homeless people, no furniture, rotten smell, the people who lived there were strange and the most ridiculous thing was that the girl who was renting the room moved herself into the walk-in clothes closet which was connected to the room I was supposed to live. So basically every time she wishes to enter or exit her “room” she is going to do it via my room!!! So much for that privacy! Oh and the room was unfurnished, well there was a broken rotten desk…
After that I felt like crap. Should I just spend 11 months in that kind of shi* whole??? No way! That night I felt really home sick and was missing my own bed more than ever. The only positive thing from that situation was that on my way home I met this nice English girl, who was actually checking out the same rotten room. I started to talk with her and we ended up having a drink and moaning our sad situation. Well at least I made a new friend, Samantha.

The next morning (Saturday) I was supposed to meet my Finnish friend Minka and see together some apartments, but unfortunately she was feeling really sick after a food poisoning, so I had to go alone. I only had one settled meeting in Neutral Bay. That is one of the nicest and most expensive areas in North Sydney. I had quite high expectations from the apartment, because there was living this middle aged lady. And for my luck my instincts were right for once. The apartment and the views were breathtaking. You will experience the same as me when you see the pictures. The woman, Julianne was extremely nice and friendly and from the first minute I knew this was it. My new home! The apartment was located on the slope of Neutral Bay and from the living room and from my room you could see the city, the Sydney Harbour Bridge and the see. In my room I would have my queen-sized bed, TV, own entrance to the back yard and amazing views, own renovated bathroom, cleaner that comes once a week. It was too good to be true. Julianne’s sister has 3 kids around my age and one of them just married with a famous cricket player, who is kinda celebrity in Australia. Can’t wait to meet them and get into the games!!! The whole family seemed really nice and because she hasn’t got kids of her own, that is probably the reason she wants to have some young person living with her. Well I am more that glad to be her foster daughter the next 11 months ;) I will move in the coming Saturday!
After leaving Julianne's house on my way to see Minka I started to chat with this Australian man in his sixties. He was really nice and interested in my background, why I was in Sydney etc. Eventually he was offering me his timeshare apartment located in Cold Coast, because I told him that I am heading to Queens Land after I finish my internship here in Sydney. He gave me his number and told me to call if I just needed anything or was in a trouble. So strange, the people here, so nice and helpful!
Finally I ended up to Kings Cross and met Minka. We rented a movie and took pizza from the pizzeria downstairs her flat. Tomorrow the weather should be great and we will go to check out the markets and do a little sightseeing! Miss you all very much, kiss, kus and pusu <3
Hi babe!!!
What a stories already! I'm happy that you found this great appartment and that you like your job. Can't wait to see more pics and to speak with you on skype.
For me 5 days left, and I'm going to England! London here I come!!!! Well babe, talk to u on skype. I will let you know when I'm home. Luv u and miss you lots!!!
Hi Aino,
I really am very happy that you have found a great appartment. Good to read that you like your job. I can imagine that you need some time to get used to your new life far away in Australia. But I am sure you can do it.
Well yesterday Wendy left for London. It really is very quiet in our house without her. I am missing her now already. But London is not so far away, so I can visit her several times.
Last weekend we have had our family weekend. It was great, we have had a lot of fun, less sleep and a lot of wine!!!!
Please let me know your new address, so I can send you postcards from the Netherlands.
Enjoy your weekend, a lot of success with your job.
Love from Koog aan de Zaan, big hugs from Willie and Ankie.
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