The hostel is modest and ideal for pack packers because of its location and prices. My room was neat, but all the conveniences, like TV, heater, fridge and own toilet & bathroom were missing. Well I think you get less if you pay less. Even though my room wasn’t that spectacular I met some great people while living there for 3 nights, some nice German people and coincidentally two Finnish guys from Lahti. Since then I have been spending quite a lot of time with them, going for a dinner or drinks, watch movies etc. Really nice to meet some new people!
On Saturday morning I finally got to move into my new flat. I can’t even describe how good it felt to settle down, wash all my clothes and get rid of the stinky hostel smell. Not to forget to mention how great it felt to sleep in a queen size bed…

Julianne, Jules is fabulous (the woman I am staying with). She is really helpful, kind and funny. I am so happy that we get along so well and I can really be myself and act like at home. (Mum, you probably think oh nooooo that poor woman doesn’t know what she is dealing with! Well don’t worry I’ll try my best to behave.) Saturday evening I just stayed home after having a dinner with Minka and making a long “get known to the neighbourhood” walk. Later me and Jules watched few episodes Miss Marple on TV and went to bed early. On Sunday the weather was great, +20 and sunny. It is very hard to understand that it is the coldest season in Sydney (mid winter). Anyways, we did a long coast line walk with Minka, all the way from Coogee Beach till Bondai Beach. The sights were incredible like you can see from the pictures. Can’t wait the summer to come.

Work is ok, at this moment. I am starting to understand better the organization style and now I have learned a bit more how the travel industry in Australia works. Satu (my boss) can be sometimes a bit pain in the ass, but I will survive. Sometimes she looses her nerves if I ask some things that in her opinion are obvious (but in mine are not!!!) But at least she gives me quite demanding things to do. For example I am responsible to produce all the Work in Process Reports and Annual reports. I am also involved with the Sibelius proposal (which is the main project for the year 2007). There is also continuous media monitoring task, where I have to extend Finesse’s own database etc. So at least I don’t have to be an idler =) Anyways, I will take no stress about the work. I am going to do my best, but not loose my sleep.

Today I started in a gym nearby, Fitness First. Yes, I did it after 2 months break, hih! And it felt great. My goal is to go to a fitness class or a gym 4 times a week. That will happen after work, because I don’t want to waist my weekends of that kind of nonsense ;) More over I want to learn how to surf and scuba! Well few months to go still…
OK, I better go to sleep now! Early waking up tomorrow, that means early walk to work (so great that I can just walk 15mins and be there). I miss you all very extremely much. Mum, dad, Jaakko and Anniina I am so looking forward you to come here during Christmas. I already have BIG plans for that trip! K I MISSSSSSSSSSSS U!!! To all my other sweethearts hope to hear from you soon. I’ll get my internet this coming Saturday, so I will have my hotline tuned on 24/7. Kisses and hugs and you can also write how things are going in the other side of the world as a comment!
kus kus *
Hi Aino,
I'm glad that you're having a great time in Australia. The weather in Holland is fantastic. You can say: "It's summer". I hope it last untill the holiday is over.
17 july Dennis and I are going to Tenerife. We will send you some photos, so you can see how life is in Tenerife.
Good luck with your job and maby I will talk with you on MSN.
Hi aino,
I was just reading your storys and i think you have a great time on the other side of the world.
Its great for you that you have your one apartment(don´t look at my bad english, its verry dutch i think). I am almost going on a holiday wiht dana, koen, sas, dennis en bart, finally!!
So have a great time there and i will check this blockspot later, ciao nitza (wendy´s friend)
he babe,
Sorry that I didnt talk to u earlier. Was busy with school stuff.... Yeah believe it or not. I had to do these essays for Economics, otherwise I coudnt go on placement. Really nice he! Well, im starting work on monday. Really looking forward to it! Hope it is great. The only thing is that I do not have an apartment yet so I have to travel for 1.5 hours to go to work. But that won't last forever. Hope you are fine now, and work is getting better. I'll write you an email so I can explain more. Just have to do some things now. So talk to you later babe!
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